Friday, May 16, 2008

2 weeks before the Big Day

Hey guys! Only 2 weeks more to go before the board exam. If you're like most people preparing to take the test, you're probably feeling nervous, anxious, or concerned. Don't be! As long as you've made your part - having prepared carefully and efficiently.

So what can you do during these last 14 days? take these steps:
  • watch nursing review vcds (like MEDS review for nclex which helped me with the local board =D.. it's like you're having a classroom lecture complete with illustrations and tips right in the comfort of your home)
  • take practice tests to gauge your skill level - read rationales
  • record key ideas and principles on note cards
  • rest, eat well, and avoid thinking about the examination during non-study time
  • socialize to avoid burnout!

Remember, it's probably too late to read books about concepts and theories by this time.

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